we asked members and guests for feedback on one of our recent events held in february 2025. here is what they had to say…

This event was fantastic. I was nervous to attend an evening event on my own but I was made to feel so welcome and I look forward to all future events.
— Sarah, Recruitment Sector
Brilliant event that was both enjoyable and informative. It was great to network with newcomers and existing WiBA members in a relaxed environment. I look forward to attending future WiBA events.
— Louise, Legal Sector
Wonderful event, really fun and interactive and a great way to catch up!
— Danielle, Legal/Finance Sector
Fab event, a welcoming group and a fun activity.
— Nadia, Finance Sector

Two of our long-standing members share how they have personally and professionally benefited from being part of WiBA…

Being part of WiBA has provided me opportunities to represent the interests of Birmingham women in business. Recently I attended a round table discussion hosted by the Women and Equalities Parliamentary Select Committee where the issues facing WiBA members were brought to the attention of an influential group of MPs.
— Lucy Caddick, Director of Finance and Operations at Elmhurst Ballet School (Charity member)
WiBA has enabled me to meet lots of women in Birmingham from a wide range of sectors. The events are hugely varied but always informative. One of my favourite events was held at Tesla. The group itself is friendly, welcoming and very supportive of each other. I first became involved with WiBA in 2008, enjoyed my time on the committee, and still attend events when I can.

— Kirsty Cartwright, Divisional Director at Brewin Dolphin (Corporate Member)